Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I could be in this royal mess all day...
Theodore Alexander secretary desk and other exquisite pieces to follow... Yes, I am in love.
Sanitas Red Silk Damask wall covering.

Aristocratic Masterpiece...

One may be a little tres obsessed. Certainly missing out if you haven't seen Downton Abbey yet. Everything about this show is divine! I'm eagerly waiting for the third season. For those of you who haven't watched it, hurry up then! Thank me later. On a good note, I managed to find, or better yet, steal some fantastic images. My advice: Make some tea. Alors!
The Crawley Sisters...
The Earl and Countess of Grantham
Mr. Carson, the Butler.
Dowager Countess and the Earl's mother...
The Dining room...tissues, anyone?
Beautiful setup...
The Dowager Countess and Lady Grantham.
Lady Mary, Anna (Head Housemaid) and Lady Sybil. Sigh... Magnificent.

Drama Queen

Colour Galore! Simply delish! All we need are some cupcakes from Magnolia and English Breakfast tea.

Paradiso it is...